Open the App Store can be found either in the pay list, free list or list of the thirty best-selling front, almost hard to see the start-up team works. The vast majority are from BAT giants, Netease, perfect game and other established players, dominated by the major video websites. We can say that entrepreneurs can barely see a trace of room for growth.
According to the domestic independent third-party data service providers TalkingData latest release of "Mobile Internet Data Report 2014" shows that the application of coverage Top20 mobile applications, BAT predominate. Tencent system which occupies 9, Ali 5 list, Baidu also has two lines. App Charting a life and death decision almost immediately, the entrepreneur can not really based, let alone compete with the giants in this way and monopolies.
Even more distressing is that almost no other channels to meet the entrepreneurs will presents itself to the user's needs. Creativity is originally App survival of the soul, but now funds and technology has become a more important part. Rudely say whether the creative is not a popular Apple App Store prerequisite "Monument Valley" as a big counter-attack almost impossible repeat, word of mouth is no longer suitable now fiercely competitive environment.
In addition, the current intense competition App has reached its peak. App almost all conceivable types, in App Store have appeared. Entrepreneurs in the early days, if you did not give a different, alternative way of thinking, it is easy to be buried in the face in the crowd. From the user's perspective, App selectively substitutability is too high, so the "loyalty" low --85% of users will download the App within one month removed from the phone. In the user decides everything in the environment, because the experience of the lack of entrepreneurs, difficult to really grasp the user psychology, and thus lose the opportunity Permanent phones.

Open the App Store can be found either in the pay list, free list or list of the thirty best-selling front, almost hard to see the start-up team works. The vast majority are from BAT giants, Netease, perfect game and other established players, dominated by the major video websites. We can say that entrepreneurs can barely see a trace of room for growth.
According to the domestic independent third-party data service providers TalkingData latest release of "Mobile Internet Data Report 2014" shows that the application of coverage Top20 mobile applications, BAT predominate. Tencent system which occupies 9, Ali 5 list, Baidu also has two lines. App Charting a life and death decision almost immediately, the entrepreneur can not really based, let alone compete with the giants in this way and monopolies.
Even more distressing is that almost no other channels to meet the entrepreneurs will presents itself to the user's needs. Creativity is originally App survival of the soul, but now funds and technology has become a more important part. Rudely say whether the creative is not a popular Apple App Store prerequisite "Monument Valley" as a big counter-attack almost impossible repeat, word of mouth is no longer suitable now fiercely competitive environment.
In addition, the current intense competition App has reached its peak. App almost all conceivable types, in App Store have appeared. Entrepreneurs in the early days, if you did not give a different, alternative way of thinking, it is easy to be buried in the face in the crowd. From the user's perspective, App selectively substitutability is too high, so the "loyalty" low --85% of users will download the App within one month removed from the phone. In the user decides everything in the environment, because the experience of the lack of entrepreneurs, difficult to really grasp the user psychology, and thus lose the opportunity Permanent phones.
