Recent fiery fights FM infringement shelf event, several protagonist is lychee FM, Himalayan FM, listen to FM. Quarrel around the infringement, vicious competition and fabricated data. Things on the Internet, who said the clear? Not a curse frame we care about each other. Our concern is: do these companies actually are doing software hardware it!
Why is that? With one saying: "Content Services + intelligent hardware" model, enhance the user experience, so as to enhance product viscosity. App origin so these companies do hardware just to play better software features.
Behind this seemingly software tear forced war, we also see that there have been attempts before and WiFi audio, Internet radio company car these intelligent hardware grafting, also began one foot into intelligent hardware line of business, becoming a The new competition points.
However, whether this new model will generate demand? This is a problem.
Radio has gone from tubes to transistors, to integrated circuits, from shortwave to FM, then microwave, from analog to digital form, from various stages of development for stationary use to mobile use, etc., radio technology has become an important pillar of the modern information society .
"April 1 (May 2, 1897) Guangxu twenty-three years' Affairs reported that" Article 25 published translations "wireless telegraphy", which is the term first appeared in wireless telegraphy in China. Since then, opened via radio reported on spreading the prelude. "
Early wireless telegraphy technology is mainly used to make use of journal papers. The China Radio precisely at this time began to be leaps and bounds.
70s of last century, "three to one ring" means big watches, sewing machines, bicycles and radios. At that time, also known as radio semiconductors, or, a rare symbol of abundance of goods.
After that, the radio as part of live entertainment has made considerable progress. From the hand of the "big box" to the palm-sized, from the transistor to the tube and then to the microcontroller, from a few people rich symbolism to life everywhere.
Until the first years of the 21st century, cheap radios also become part of the life of the elderly and students, but to decline is irreversible thing.
The reason is simple: wave bands are limited and rare, restricted radio license application is critical.

Recent fiery fights FM infringement shelf event, several protagonist is lychee FM, Himalayan FM, listen to FM. Quarrel around the infringement, vicious competition and fabricated data. Things on the Internet, who said the clear? Not a curse frame we care about each other. Our concern is: do these companies actually are doing software hardware it!
Why is that? With one saying: "Content Services + intelligent hardware" model, enhance the user experience, so as to enhance product viscosity. App origin so these companies do hardware just to play better software features.
Behind this seemingly software tear forced war, we also see that there have been attempts before and WiFi audio, Internet radio company car these intelligent hardware grafting, also began one foot into intelligent hardware line of business, becoming a The new competition points.
However, whether this new model will generate demand? This is a problem.
Radio has gone from tubes to transistors, to integrated circuits, from shortwave to FM, then microwave, from analog to digital form, from various stages of development for stationary use to mobile use, etc., radio technology has become an important pillar of the modern information society .
"April 1 (May 2, 1897) Guangxu twenty-three years' Affairs reported that" Article 25 published translations "wireless telegraphy", which is the term first appeared in wireless telegraphy in China. Since then, opened via radio reported on spreading the prelude. "
Early wireless telegraphy technology is mainly used to make use of journal papers. The China Radio precisely at this time began to be leaps and bounds.
70s of last century, "three to one ring" means big watches, sewing machines, bicycles and radios. At that time, also known as radio semiconductors, or, a rare symbol of abundance of goods.
After that, the radio as part of live entertainment has made considerable progress. From the hand of the "big box" to the palm-sized, from the transistor to the tube and then to the microcontroller, from a few people rich symbolism to life everywhere.
Until the first years of the 21st century, cheap radios also become part of the life of the elderly and students, but to decline is irreversible thing.
The reason is simple: wave bands are limited and rare, restricted radio license application is critical.
